So here's what bugs me about this show. (Fair warning, this is nothing but rambling!)
Where the heck is Walt? Are they ever going to answer that question?
I don't really like that Jack character, but I was sure hoping he wouldn't succomb to the whole button-pushing thing. I didn't do so well in Psych, but even I remember Skinner's Pidgeons and Pavlov's dogs ....
Is any effort being made to conserve the things they found in the hatch, or is there just an unlimited supply of stuff? For example, dishwashing liquid ... who is regulating the consumption?
Who is the guy they are holding hostage?
What were they shooting into Claire's belly? And why did they want the baby?
How many bunkers are on that island anyway?
Is anyone really surprised that Sun might be pregnant? (previews)
Was that glue that Freckles found? What's the significance of that?
When this season is over, I better have some answers.
Freckles is Kate ... that's what Sawyer calls her.
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