Wednesday, August 18, 2010

New Shoes

So today I was just browsing in the nearby Dollar General (mostly school supply and garden section) when I ran across these pretty cute mary jane shoes that actually looked like they would accomodate the width of my foot. Tried them on, checked the price ($8) and thought "what the heck." Normally I wouldn't buy shoes at Dollar General, (I usually have to order mine online) but like I said these were cute and cheap.

I got to the checkout and there was no price on them. I told the guy I thought they were $8, but he wanted to go check. He came back with a $7 price tag, but the shoes weren't ringing up properly. He asked if I'd be willing to pay $3.50 for them since they didn't know the exact price and I said "sure," since that was $4.50 less than I was expecting to pay for them. Still, for some reason, he wasn't satisfied so he got the manager. They conferred and he asked if I had a dollar; I told him I didn't. He asked if I had any change and I told him all I had with me was my debit card (which is my standard operating procedure for shopping).

Then a surprising thing happened - the manager said I could have them.... as in, FREE. I know my mouth must have dropped open and I said, "Really?" Sure enough - I could have them for free.

Do you think it was rude of me to ask for a bag?


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