I Agree With Simon ...
....or maybe I should say Simon agrees with me since I called this week's departees in a previous post. (in a round about way by naming the final six) Going home on Thursday: Kinnik and Melissa.
I like Kinnik and she is gorgeous, but I find my mind wandering while she performs, so does she have stage presence issues? I don't know, but she's history.
Melissa said she came to rock it out tonight but she only managed to rock herself right out of the competition, and I don't think anyone will remember her name.
"Idol" was a real snooze fest tonight until Mandisa hit the stage and she blew the roof off. Other favs: Catherine McPhee and Kelly Pickler. Ayla is going to have to step it up to get past next week.
As far as the guys go ... I'm sticking with the six I called last post. Is it just me or does Kevin's lisp bug anyone else? He's a cute kid and all, but he's got 2 go.
Elliot's performance was disappointing tonight and even Chris's a bit. But can I just say; I LOVE TAYLOR HICKS! He is such fun to watch. Bucky is growing on me, and what can I say about Ace but ... whew. Turn the air on, cause he is hot! I love it when he scrunches up his nose ... he's got the girl vote for a while, but eventually other vocals will beat him out.
So ... going home tomorrow - Melissa, Kinnik, Will, and Kevin. Cya.
Just my 2 cents ...
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