Monday, September 11, 2006

We Remember 9-11-01

This date makes me sad.

My heart always starts to feel heavy a few days before September 11. For me it's one of those dates that I'll always remember where I was and what I was doing.

As an educator it's hard to balance the need to cover the history and the sadness I still feel. (even though I didn't actually lose anyone in the events of that day) So today we made "heart flags" with yellow ribbons that just said "We Remember 9-11-01" The truth is, fortunately for them, most of my students know about it, but don't remember it because they were only 4 or 5 at the time.

I've heard on the radio today those talking about how we shouldn't let terrorists win; some saying that since we're all scared they've already won. I don't know about all of that. I just know that 9-11 changed me, because terrorism was suddenly a reality. I don't walk around scared all the time, but I do sometimes feel suspicious of some people and situations now more than before. Terrorism is no longer something that happens "over there" and any underlying belief that this is a completely safe country is gone. I think that there are a lot of subtle changes that I'm not always aware of, but that pop up now and again.

One very prominent change: we flew the flag at half-mast today. Another day of mourning for our country was added 5 years ago today.

On a more positive note - that female officer that went missing the day before she was supposed to come home to N.C. was found. Good news for a change.


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