Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Dance Lessons?

Well, I'm insane. Maybe it's the boredom, or maybe it's "So You Think You Can Dance" - but I am checking into dance lessons - again.

I guess it's been about 5 years since I took lessons before. My ex (I refuse to even mention the name) and I took lessons before we got married and some afterwards, but I think I was more interested in pursuing it than he was. I was interested in going back after we split, but never did.

So now, what with watching all the dancing on tv, I've started thinking about it again. I have to say I really loved the Waltz when I was learning it and I think I'd love to learn ballroom dancing and really get involved. We never took advantage of the evening opportunities there to go practice with others and get acquainted with people in that particular community. I always thought that would be fun.

We'll see - I'm checking into the prices and payment options. Better this than ice-skating...


At 4:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it sounds like fun! I like ballroom dancing the times the few I've done it. Much nicer than the flailing about that's considering dancing nowadays. Let me know how the search goes. -esm

At 11:59 AM, Blogger Lenise said...

My little sis would disagree with you in re:ice skating. But then, she has a diagnosed sensitivity to cold, so she probably is insane. ;)

Back in our pre-parent days, Paul and I used to enjoy swing dancing. We were never terribly good at it (especially me), but it was a fun way to get a little exercise. Turns out parenting and exercise are a package deal, so I guess missing out on dancing is ok!


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