Monday, April 24, 2006

Let the testing games begin


So today began three days of practice testing before the big one in May. The results will likely be back by the end of the week, giving our principal enough time to have a month of coronaries about the scores before we have to abuse our students with the "big one" at the end of the year. This also gives him a month to ride our tails anew about them.

And what is the point? If they (the powers that be) could convince me that there was some educational benefit to it all, I might be on board, but as it stands I will never be in favor of three days of testing for a 10 year old.

I think what I find most annoying about it all is that we have students performing below grade level. They're below grade level when they come to us ... sometimes as much as three years behind. We are told to modify curriculum to meet their educational needs at their current level, because after all, how can they be expected to do fourth grade work if they are academically on a 2nd grade level? Good point, right? One would think.

Why then is the State still insisting they take an end-of-year test on fourth grade level? This is where it becomes obvious that none of the test-taking madness makes any sense. My below grade level students with modified curriculum, who don't do any work during the year on fourth grade level because they aren't capable are still required by the State to take that stupid test at the end of the year. And - they are expected to pass it.

So, my position has always been, if they have to take that test on grade level, they need to at least attempt grade level work during the academic year to have the slightest chance of passing. (which they won't, by the way, but they won't anyway ... if you see my point) I continue to drag them all along, year after year doing my best to get them somewhat prepared for a test they won't pass. But does doing so mean I'm not meeting their educational needs ... but if I don't they won't have any success at all on the test (a 2 is better than a 1) ... but are they learning anything ...

And so continues the vicious cycle.

My other problem with the testing is this: we are encouraged in all grade levels to use manipulatives and technology and let them work in small groups and with partners, etc. etc. etc., but the daggone testing at the end of the year allows for none of that. The ONLY things they are allowed to use is a ruler and a calculator for part of the math test. They can't even use a dictionary for the reading part.

They're 9 and 10 years old, for crying out loud ... let them use some unifix cubes. Let them take tests in a group, give them a dictionary .... we've spent all year teaching them how to use this stuff, let them use it!

Standardized testing is a joke. If the world knew how many questions a student in 5th grade had to answer correctly to pass the end of grade test, they would wonder why we even bother to spend the money for the paper it's printed on. (something like 12 out of 60 questions, for those of you dying to know) Such a waste of time and effort. And the truly funny (but sad) thing is, those fifth graders who get 12 out of 60 questions right run around the school the day they get their test results screaming about how they passed the test and are going to middle school. Big hairy deal. Forgive me for being a teacher and still saying this - they are morons. We won't even talk about the ones who can't manage to pass.

By the end of the year we will have spent at least 20 hours taking standardized tests of some sort. Twenty hours of Magic School Bus videos would be 1000 times more educational ... and tons more fun.

Boo, hiss to all the so-called educational leaders of our state and country. I hope they remember who to blame when their kids have to repeat a grade because they can't even answer 12 out of 60 questions correctly on a test.

And forgive me while I laugh about it.


At 9:42 PM, Blogger Spinning Girl said...


The plight of teachers.

I know it well.

At 9:49 AM, Blogger adr said...

Thats the problem with trying to do one-size-fits-all testing. It fits nobody.

Most teachers are professionals (every career group has their exceptions) they should rely on y'all to use your professional opinions as to whether or not a kid should pass.

Thus says the woman with no kids - unless you count the kind with fur and four legs.

At 8:22 PM, Blogger Lenise said...

It seems to me that if they want the kids to learn the material, they shouldn't be moving 2nd-grade level students into a 4th grade classroom. It's not likely these kids are going to catch up in a year, no matter who is teaching them. Standardized tests could work if the kids are at the appropriate skill level.


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