Friday, March 17, 2006

Skipping School

I'm skipping school today, which would have been a much easier task if I was a student instead of the teacher. I was at school yesterday until 5pm working on lesson plans for a sub. I used to worry about who would be in my room and if my kids would behave ... sometimes I'd call a colleague and ask what was going on, but now ... I don't really care. I finally came to the conclusion that if I'm going to take a day away from there, I need to do that mentally, too.

My plan was to sleep really late, but I was up before 8:30. It's easier to get up early when you don't have to. I was also planning to spend my day getting stuff done for work and cleaning house, but now I think I want to go somewhere. I haven't decided and that's ok.

I am going to eat some strawberry frosted shredded mini-wheats, write a congratulations on your marriage card that is overdue and thinking of you card for a little girl who is having surgery, take a shower, and then see where the day leads.


At 10:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm like that. It's hard to leave the office anyway (long story), but when I do, it's even harder to get it out of my head. A really long vacation might help, but then I might not want to come back afterwards. -esm

At 4:25 PM, Blogger Gina said...

I think maybe it's because it's part of my identity, so when I'm not there it feels like something's wrong. It's also about the fact that I don't know how to let go of stuff ...


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