Thursday, March 30, 2006

Lost Again ...

... in the land of tv confusion. Ok, so last night's episode of Lost had so much in it my head was reeling afterwards. Things we now have to consider:

Is the baby sick? Claire thinks there is something wrong despite Jack's input.

What was the lockdown and map on the back of the door all about?

So, the island giveth and it taketh away? (Locke's ability to walk)

We know that guy isn't Henry Gale ... who the heck is he? (I've asked this before.)
Supplies? (this actually answers a previous question about unlimited supplies) Who sent them?

What did that guy posing as Henry Gale really do when he was out of Locke's sight? He asked how long he had been out, why? He sure did know those numbers right away, didn't he?

When does this season end and are we ever going to get any answers or just stuff that causes more questions?

Aaaaaaargh. I'm beginning to think I shouldn't watch during the season and just rent the dvds when they come out.


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