Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Deep in thought ... really. Posted by Picasa

Fingernail Polish and Panty Hose

There are a few cute things that kids do. I mean, I don't hate my job 24/7 ... some days I actually enjoy it.

Like last Friday. Thursday I got a manicure with a very pretty berry color polish. It's nice to have someone do that for you, and you get pretty nails for at least a week. Some of the kids noticed right away on Friday, oooing and ahhing over them. But the fun part is when that one child dares to reach out and touch the polish because it's so shiny they can't resist. You're going about your day, at a table full of kids, teaching and asking questions and all of a sudden you feel a little finger glide over your nail.

"You like that?"
A nod and "it's shiny" for a reply.
"I kind of like it, too."

A brief connection between student and teacher that has nothing to do with assignments.

Today. Hustling kids through the hall to art class. A hand darts out and a finger slides across one of my nails as a child passes; a big grin on her face. Maybe next time I should have the manicurist write the daily assignments on them ... maybe then the work will get done. LOL

I should have expected the attention, though. It reminds me of wearing hose when I used to teach first grade. (something I never do now, since I've all but abandoned wearing dresses) For story time kids would rush to get the preferred seating right in front of the chair where I sat to read to them. Sure, it was partly about being able to see the pictures better, but for some it was all about being able to touch the hose. Little hands running up and down the hose like they were petting a dog ... and at age 5, all very innocent and acceptable. So many parents would ask me how I could stand to have so many kids hanging (literally) on me all the time. Truth was, after about the first month of teaching, I never really noticed it anymore.

My fourth graders, though, will have to limit their contact to touching fingernails .... and an occasional hug.

Monday, February 27, 2006

20-some pages long

The length of my algebra homework assignment due tomorrow night. All handwritten and most pages are front to back. I understand the need for homework, I'm a teacher ... I get it. I do not understand making adults answer question after question that all basically have the same answer. Sure, anyone who hasn't graduated from high school needs the repetition, but post-grad students? What I really wonder is, who's going to grade all this stuff? (from 28 students) Teacher code states: all busy work should be filed in the circular file. Mine better come back with a grade on it sometime before the temperature changes.

While I'm at it, I thought the purpose of going to school was for someone to teach you something. I question this practice of paying for an education and teaching myself. If the only thing I'm doing is paying for my diploma, can I please move to a quicker check-out line?