Pink Dreams
I spent most of my night last night searching for hot pink things in my sleep. A common thread in my dreams is that I'm late for class and last night was no different - just the reason was a little out there. I had lost, misplaced or left somewhere some ugly, hot pink, clodhopper shoes (looked like crocs) and was barefoot going all over the place looking for them. Someone at a part time job I had (working in a church kitchen or something) had found them and put them in a paper bag. When I got them and put them on, my feet hurt worse than without them, so I was barefoot the rest of the dream.
Along with the found shoes was my also lost pink coat. (I actually have a hot pink coat - but no hot pink shoes) Now the only thing I was still trying to find was my hot pink car. I walked and walked the various parking lots surrounding this building (church?) and finally tracked down the person who had found my shoes. She told me she had parked the car in such and such parking lot. I told her I had looked there. We went out together to search all the parking lots. You would not believe the number of pink cars out there! Seems like everyone had one, but none of them were mine. We never did find my pink car and I never did make it to class.
I have a suspicion all the pink searching was triggered by some shopping I did last night. It's close to Valentine's day and I purchased a pink rug for the bathroom and was looking at a lot of Valentine items trying to find small gifts for some friends of mine ... lots of pink stuff. I'm hoping I don't go looking for that pink car again tonight.
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