Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Geek God

Ok, I admit it; I've always been a little partial to guys who could possibly be classified as geeks. Something about a smart guy ... not sure why that is so attractive, but it is. Or maybe it's partly because I've always considered myself to be a little on the geeky side .... not necessarily smart, just not exactly "non geeky".

Anyhow - last week I joined a game club that I found through an online site and attended two scheduled game nights. Pretty much thought it would be a bunch of 40 something single or divorced women, (LOL) but was pleasantly surprised by the number of men. When all you see is women and children all day long, it's nice to be around some guys for a change.

So was getting acquainted with the host and hostess when the arrival of another gamer caught my attention, strictly because his physical appearance matches what typically attracts me ... tall and dark headed, cute face. But as the evening progressed I found that he also has a good sense of humor ... huge plus .... and he has some "save the world" type job - a true geek god.

Needless to say, I'm a bit infatuated. Can hardly wait for the next game night (a month from now) so I can find out some more about him. Can't really go into any more detail here like name or anything ... heaven forbid anyone from the group stumble upon this blog! But any future references to "geek god" are about him!

Normally my infatuations wear off after a few days. Probably in a month I'll be less interested. Still, it's been nice to be preoccupied with thoughts other than those about work or school......

Sunday, October 08, 2006

The Trouble With Renting

Definitely find myself bummed out this weekend. My landlord called yesterday and yes, she is planning to sell the townhouse I currently rent. I am not a happy camper, since now I either have to buy the place (aaargh) or move (double aaargh) and neither will be really by choice since I'm forced into the decision. The one good thing is it's not happening immediately - she's not doing anything until after the first of the year, so I have a little time.

I think I'll go moan now. ("When Harry Met Sally" reference for anyone who doesn't know)

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Sleeping Birds

A couple of birds have claimed a spot on a ledge under my front porch cover. A couple of years ago, there was another, quite a bit larger bird, who slept there many nights. Now there are two much smaller ones sleeping in the exact same spot! I guess as long as they are not hoot owls calling outside my window three nights in a row, I'm ok. Wish I had a digital camera so I could post a pic here!