Monday, July 26, 2010


I'm beginning to wonder if I'm depressed. I didn't even change out of pjs today and haven't left the house since Saturday morning. But then I wonder if depressed people wonder if they're depressed. I don't have an answer. All day I've been putting off things I need to "go out" to do, convincing myself that I didn't have to do them today. And really I didn't ... but they have to be done eventually. See - I'm just chasing my tail around in circles.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Apartment Searching

Last year I started looking for a house to buy and decided I wasn't financially ready for that kind of committment. This year I am looking at apartments. I currently reside in a one-level townhome rented out by the owner. I've been here a while and have just decided that I want something different. Something with a pool and if at all possible, a garage, even if it's just a one-car garage. I'd prefer three bedrooms (currently have two) but with a garage and more square footage a 2-bdrm will be fine.

First off, I'm finding that garage apartments are hard to come by and are also very pricey. Not impossible, but compromises have to be made ... like no third bedroom so I can afford the garage. Another problem is too much concrete. I understand the need for parking, but do all apartment complexes have to look like apartment complexes? Looking for a happy medium here. Good thing I have plenty of time.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Roly Poly (pill) bugs

I hate these things! Somehow they manage to get into the house in the summer and then I just find them everywhere... well mostly where there is linoleum like in the kitchen and bathrooms. Most of them I find are already dead, but there are still those I find roaming around. I suck them all up with the vacuum, but that is a daily annoyance. I wish I knew how to keep them from coming in the house!