Sunday, October 30, 2011

One Year

Today marks a year since my dad passed away. In some ways, it's hard to believe it's been an entire year since some days it seems like it happened recently. On the other hand, this has been one of the longest years ever. Losing a parent you had a good relationship with is hard. I miss Daddy every day.

I keep a box on my dresser filled with some of dad's things. One of the items is one of his watches. I had just bought him a new one a few months before he passed away, but it was identical to the one he had ... he wanted the same kind. Mom kept one of them and I kept the other. I must have gotten the newer one, but I'm not sure, because the watch is still ticking. Sometimes at night, when the room is quiet, I can hear the watch ticking in that box. It's like a gentle reminder of my dad and like it is helping to keep his memory alive among those things in that box. Some might find that eerie, but I like the reminder. I know when that battery life is over, I'll be replacing it so the ticking can continue to stir the memories for me.

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

To Revive or Not to Revive

Back to blogging? I'm happily surprised my blog is still here; I enjoyed reading previous posts and comments - just not sure I have the commitment to blog regularly, so .... blog or not?

I guess file this one under tantrum. It's October and I have the cutest yard display in my yard - hay bales, pumpkins, mums, cute yard stakes, etc. Except yesterday I realized that the pumpkins were missing. Yep, someone stole the 4 pumpkins right out of my yard.

Seriously? Stealing is something I have zero tolerance for ... plus I just don't understand how anyone thinks it's ok to take something that doesn't belong to them. Ok - I would get it if you were starving and you had to steal to keep from dying of hunger. Or if you had to steal to keep someone from coming after you ... desperation and fear are real motivators.

But, pumpkins? And from my yard? Who was after you to make a jack'o'lantern or else?

Good grief - there are pumpkins all over the place. Farms, sitting roadside, grocery stores ... they couldn't get them somewhere else? They had to mess up my cute display which would have greeted my cute trick-or-treaters?

Well, I have purchased six new pumpkins (because the pumpkins carry over to my November display). They are currently housed in my garage where they will stay until Halloween evening. I'm hoping by then everyone will have stolen all the pumpkins they need for survival.
