Monday, July 24, 2006

On Vacation - finally

So grad school is done for the summer and I have 4 weeks before I have to go back to work, so I am finally going out of town for a nice long visit with mom and dad. I am also looking forward to seeing my neice's kids (now living with my brother's ex-wife .... we ARE a soap opera) and my good friends back home. Just visiting and doing some reading - I might even drive over to the beach. I'm actually going to get up early tomorrow to get going!

Friday, July 14, 2006


Not all my dreams are school nightmares, and any night I can dream about Dimitri is a good night!

Dimitri is one of the dancers on "So You Think You Can Dance" and if there is a finer speciman of a man anywhere in the world I'd be surprised. Oh ok, that might be stretching it a bit, but this man is FINE .... the epitomy of tall, dark and handsome. Plus, he's a ballroom dancer, so you know he's in shape. (like you wouldn't believe!) He is so hot that my friend Monique called me long distance from Virginia after one of his performances to tell me that she almost forgot she was married!

So my dream last night had Dimitri and I as a couple (duh) but instead of a very romantic story line all I got was a food preparation story line. Dimitri and I were entertaining guests (my mom and dad among them - my mom made a cheesecake, btw) and I was trying to teach him how to put food, namely sandwiches, on a serving platter. There was also a coversation with him about cheese that had expired on Sunday.

Excuse me? Sandwiches and cheese? If that is all my brain can decide to do with the Romanian god Dimitri, no wonder I don't have a boyfriend! Good grief.

Still, it's better than school nightmares, hands down.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Dance Lessons?

Well, I'm insane. Maybe it's the boredom, or maybe it's "So You Think You Can Dance" - but I am checking into dance lessons - again.

I guess it's been about 5 years since I took lessons before. My ex (I refuse to even mention the name) and I took lessons before we got married and some afterwards, but I think I was more interested in pursuing it than he was. I was interested in going back after we split, but never did.

So now, what with watching all the dancing on tv, I've started thinking about it again. I have to say I really loved the Waltz when I was learning it and I think I'd love to learn ballroom dancing and really get involved. We never took advantage of the evening opportunities there to go practice with others and get acquainted with people in that particular community. I always thought that would be fun.

We'll see - I'm checking into the prices and payment options. Better this than ice-skating...

The Cutest Thing Ever

Well, maybe not, but cute enough.

I was watching one of my summer obsessions this morning, a show called "10 Years Younger". They take someone who is in serious need of a makeover (can someone sign me up, please?) and put them in a clear box out in public and take age guesses from passers by. After the makeover they do the same thing, hoping that the average guess will be at least 10 years younger than the average guess pre-makeover.

So today, after the makeover, they put the woman back in the box. Most people are guessing early 30s as opposed to mid 40s pre-makeover. Then they show footage of a 2-yr-old who walks up to the box and asks the woman, "why are you in the box?" The host asks him how old she is and the little boy says 2.

Host: "you think she's two?"
Boy: "No! I'm two!"
Host: "Oh, you're two. Well, how old do you think she is?"
Boy: "Five."
Host: "You think she's five? Could she be six?"

The little boy seemed to ponder that question for a minute, took another look at the woman, and then just shook his head no.

So cute ... and that is one serious makeover.