Thursday, March 30, 2006

Lost Again ...

... in the land of tv confusion. Ok, so last night's episode of Lost had so much in it my head was reeling afterwards. Things we now have to consider:

Is the baby sick? Claire thinks there is something wrong despite Jack's input.

What was the lockdown and map on the back of the door all about?

So, the island giveth and it taketh away? (Locke's ability to walk)

We know that guy isn't Henry Gale ... who the heck is he? (I've asked this before.)
Supplies? (this actually answers a previous question about unlimited supplies) Who sent them?

What did that guy posing as Henry Gale really do when he was out of Locke's sight? He asked how long he had been out, why? He sure did know those numbers right away, didn't he?

When does this season end and are we ever going to get any answers or just stuff that causes more questions?

Aaaaaaargh. I'm beginning to think I shouldn't watch during the season and just rent the dvds when they come out.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Do people know what this word means? It is becoming increasingly more and more obvious to me that an astounding majority of those holding driver's licenses in the RTP area do not. Sure, they understand that it means their lane is ending and they have to move over ... they get that part. The part they seem to not understand is making sure there isn't someone already in the space they are trying to enter.

Just yesterday, on my return trip from seeing my parents, I was cruising along in the far right lane behind a transfer truck and was pretty much locked into my position by surrounding traffic. At some point I became aware of a vehicle from a right merge lane trying to put his car where mine was ... while I was still there. There really wasn't anywhere for me to go (and even if there had been I didn't want to change lanes) so the only thing there was for me to do was start honking the horn before the prehistoric tank-car collided with my passenger side. Fortunately, that was avoided.

But here's what I don't get ... don't they cover this stuff in driver's ed? Even if they don't, are these people blind? How can you not see a car that you're about to run over? Isn't it common sense to look before you put your moving vehicle into a different lane? I am amazed that something as simple as merging is beyond the understanding of so many.

Come on, folks, get a dictionary if you don't know what it means.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Thank goodness the grandmothers and tweenies of America all went to bed early last night ... Chicken Little got sent packing. Yippee! No more cringing as he lisps his way through another boring performance.

My picks for the top four: Mandisa, Catherine, Chris and Taylor. (I probably just jinxed them all)

It occurs to me I should write about things of more substance, but hey ... this is my happy spot (or tirade spot as the case may be) so only things of substance when I have no fluff to pursue.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Skipping School

I'm skipping school today, which would have been a much easier task if I was a student instead of the teacher. I was at school yesterday until 5pm working on lesson plans for a sub. I used to worry about who would be in my room and if my kids would behave ... sometimes I'd call a colleague and ask what was going on, but now ... I don't really care. I finally came to the conclusion that if I'm going to take a day away from there, I need to do that mentally, too.

My plan was to sleep really late, but I was up before 8:30. It's easier to get up early when you don't have to. I was also planning to spend my day getting stuff done for work and cleaning house, but now I think I want to go somewhere. I haven't decided and that's ok.

I am going to eat some strawberry frosted shredded mini-wheats, write a congratulations on your marriage card that is overdue and thinking of you card for a little girl who is having surgery, take a shower, and then see where the day leads.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Ok, chicken little has become beyond simply annoying ... he is now arrogant. It always amazes me how the talentless are the first to get big-headed.

How many appalling performances do we have to endure? Send the Ellen-dance stealing little imp home!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

So Much for the Self-Proclaimed Expert

Yeah, ok. I was wrong, but if Simon hadn't beat up on angelic little Kevin, he'd be gone. I was a little sorry to see Gideon go, but it would have happened eventually ... he wasn't one of the top "dawgs" in this competition. (my opinion, of course)

And Melissa stayed. Bummer. Drops my accuracy rate to 6 out of 8 , about 72%. Guess that's not too bad.

Kevin and Melissa just had their departure delayed a bit; I don't see them beating out any of the others .... unless those grandmas unite again.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

I Agree With Simon ...

....or maybe I should say Simon agrees with me since I called this week's departees in a previous post. (in a round about way by naming the final six) Going home on Thursday: Kinnik and Melissa.

I like Kinnik and she is gorgeous, but I find my mind wandering while she performs, so does she have stage presence issues? I don't know, but she's history.

Melissa said she came to rock it out tonight but she only managed to rock herself right out of the competition, and I don't think anyone will remember her name.
"Idol" was a real snooze fest tonight until Mandisa hit the stage and she blew the roof off. Other favs: Catherine McPhee and Kelly Pickler. Ayla is going to have to step it up to get past next week.

As far as the guys go ... I'm sticking with the six I called last post. Is it just me or does Kevin's lisp bug anyone else? He's a cute kid and all, but he's got 2 go.

Elliot's performance was disappointing tonight and even Chris's a bit. But can I just say; I LOVE TAYLOR HICKS! He is such fun to watch. Bucky is growing on me, and what can I say about Ace but ... whew. Turn the air on, cause he is hot! I love it when he scrunches up his nose ... he's got the girl vote for a while, but eventually other vocals will beat him out.

So ... going home tomorrow - Melissa, Kinnik, Will, and Kevin. Cya.

Just my 2 cents ...

Monday, March 06, 2006

Oscar Madness

"It's Hard to Be a Pimp Out Here" ... Oscar worthy? I just don't get it.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

The Art of Losing at Pinochle

I'm avoiding homework ... both for grad school and work, so I decided to write instead.

I don't think anyone has quite perfected losing at pinochle as well as I have. Last night I lost three games; two with a partner and one at cutthroat. The worst of the losses was with a score of 499 the hand before the other team won. (500 wins the game) Even more annoying though, is that I taught both of my opponents how to play the game! What is that saying about the student surpassing the teacher?

Most of the time I'm a good sport, but I have been on a losing streak for some time now. Even so, I'm usually happy if it has been a good game and I've had a few decent hands to bid on. Last night wasn't bad, but my partner wasn't dealt a really good hand all night ... been there, done that, wouldn't even wish it on my opponent. Ok, yes I would.

My parents used to play pinochle with a woman, Ann Chance, who always muttered something about "Goobie Dust" when she wanted better hands. I need to find out how that works and get some of that stuff. I also need to figure out how to get the bathtub to work in my favor ... Christy (my partner in losing last night) says winning has something to do with how you are sitting in relation to the tub. I think maybe my tub has never heard of pinochle.

Thursday, March 02, 2006


So here's what bugs me about this show. (Fair warning, this is nothing but rambling!)

Where the heck is Walt? Are they ever going to answer that question?

I don't really like that Jack character, but I was sure hoping he wouldn't succomb to the whole button-pushing thing. I didn't do so well in Psych, but even I remember Skinner's Pidgeons and Pavlov's dogs ....

Is any effort being made to conserve the things they found in the hatch, or is there just an unlimited supply of stuff? For example, dishwashing liquid ... who is regulating the consumption?

Who is the guy they are holding hostage?
What were they shooting into Claire's belly? And why did they want the baby?
How many bunkers are on that island anyway?
Is anyone really surprised that Sun might be pregnant? (previews)
Was that glue that Freckles found? What's the significance of that?

When this season is over, I better have some answers.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Yeah, I'm addicted. Anyone else?

My predictions for tomorrow night to go home:

The Girls
Brenna (can't stand her) and the blond whose name I can't recall ... but she can't sing, so I'm sure you know who I'm talking about. (and it's not the one who sang "let's give them something to talk about" .. Ha)

The Guys
I think likely David and Sway ... and Will and the little cherubic guy with glasses next week. Whatever the order, these four are gone.

The Top 12
Chris, Gideon, Elliot, Ace, the gray-headed guy (why can't I remember his name?) and Bucky -Mandisa, Ayla, Kelly, Catherine, and the two "younguns"

Too many seasons watching; I could be a judge.